Before your family law case is finalized, for many counties it is mandatory that you complete a court accepted parenting class. For this reason, it is recommended that you sign up right after you file your petition or response. Not doing so can have major affects on the ultimate outcome of the case.

It's recommended that you sign up for the class and complete it as soon as possible for the following reasons:
1.) The class may have limited times to schedule (sometimes as few as once a month) and may have a maximum enrollment each month;
2.) You want to make a good impression on the judge and show that you are taking the process seriously; and
3.) A judge can refuse to sign a final general judgment until the class has been completed. Usually these courses were always done in-person and needed a very good reason to do otherwise, but because of Covid, there are likely online alternatives to taking the course in-person.
The parenting class is designed to help parents understand how the divorce or custody case will affect the children and provides ways to reduce conflict. Being aware and learning techniques from the class can reduce the trauma your children experience. Although many people feel irritated about having to take the mandatory class, they often feel that the class was valuable and are glad they took it. Hopefully you will feel the same.
Each county differs in their parenting class requirement and the provider of the course. Most classes have a registration fee and some may have waivers in certain circumstances.
Should You Talk With an Attorney First?

Navigating through the family law process can be complicated and have negative consequences if not done correctly. Doing the process correctly is crucial to achieving your desired results without wasting time and money. It’s important you talk with an attorney to help guide you through the process, advise you of your options, and explain the advantages and disadvantages of your actions you take in divorce, custody, or family law case in Oregon. Contact us at Navigate Legal Services today by calling (503) 300-1900.
Discuss your case with an Oregon attorney today. We serve clients all throughout Oregon. Contact us at Navigate Legal Services today by calling (503) 300-1990.